
You can’t cheat your writing dream

Because it takes work.  You don’t wake up with unstoppable motivation to write every day – if ever. Instead it’s a battle of contrition – of chipping away at the manuscript and story word by word. There’s a certain futility to the action to begin with because the finish line seems so far away. And, […]

When the Writing Dream Comes True…

My next novel That Which is Left is Lost will be released on 16 June. And, this time – unlike my debut which is only available as an Ebook only – there is going to be a paperback version! [Check out my Books & Stories Page to see when it’s live!] When we writers talk […]

Writing as a Triathlon

As a debut author, and a short story writer, it’s taken me a long time to accept that the only way I can share my stories with the world is to talk about them! It seems to be one of the final stages in the writer’s triathlon of self-belief.  First you have to swim through […]

Believing You Can Write a Book

Believing you can write a book is a bit like believing in fairies. You have no evidence they exist, but somehow you *want* to believe that they might. The problem is, as grown ups, we don’t believe in the same way as we did when we were kids. And that’s such a shame, because it prevents us from trying so many things. 

GUEST POST: Finding My Voice at 40 – Esme Taylor

When I was little I wanted to be a writer. My head was always full of detailed stories about fairies and far away lands. I remember telling my primary school teacher that I was going to write books when I grew up. Her reply? She told me it was a lovely dream, but that’s what […]

How to START writing a novel

You know that old saying – everyone’s got a book in them? So many people want to write a book, but never will, and if you’re a writer then I’m sure you’ve had someone tell you that they would LOVE to write a book too, but they just don’t have time. So, what makes the […]

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